To Our Wonderful Family and Friends,
What an amazing year it has been! Stuart is finishing his final year of residency at Offutt AFB/UNMC, and we just can’t believe how quickly it has gone. We were prepared for residency to be a little more painful than it’s been, but we have thoroughly loved our time here in Omaha. We are now barely 7 months out from moving but in true government fashion we are still waiting to find out where we’re headed. Stuart has applied for a couple of positions he liked in St Louis, MO and Destin, FL but if we don’t get those it could be anywhere! With Charlotte’s cancer they’ll likely keep us stateside and somewhere reasonably close to a specialist, but there’s still a lot of possibilities. Truly, we will be happy with wherever we go, Crystel is mostly just excited to get into a new home that will give her a fresh blank canvas to work her magic on! Her only requirements are that we are within a reasonable driving distance of a Lowe’s or Home Depot, and a Costco.
Speaking of Charlotte, AKA Lolly, she is 4 years old and going on 14. She has continued her exams under anesthesia every 3-4 months that have thankfully all come back clear. If the good results continue they will bump scans out to every 6 months and we are very excited about that! In the meantime, she is silly, spunky, and sharp as a tack. She is a very aggressive sleeper and has developed a talent for simultaneously finding Dad’s ribs with her head and mom’s back with her feet during her regular nightly visits. We fully expect her to become a chiropractor when she grows up. She is the MVP of our kids quotes this year, declaring matter-of-factly that she “knows karate and can kick Satan in the face”. We are very proud.
Evelyn, 8 this year, has really picked up on her reading and has become quite the little book worm. She started reading the Harry Potter series on her own and is diligently finishing her second grade year in Homeschool. She is ultra-responsible and helps mom out a ton with the youngest siblings without being asked, especially when they start making mischief (which is not infrequent). More than once she has rescued Malcom from his crib after a serious diaper disaster and put him straight in the bath. Mom couldn’t function without her! The highlight of her month is attending activity days, her first solo church obligation, and it makes her feel quite grown up. She is so creative, constantly making elaborate dollhouses with any extra cardboard boxes she finds around (mom and Amazon provide plenty of those). She has also begun writing clever books of her very own and creating her own illustrations. She is quite the artist!
Speaking of artists, His Highness Malcom, 18 months, has discovered pencils and the magical effect they can have on Mom’s freshly painted white walls. He has no interest in talking but has no problem whatsoever with communication. His points, grunts and yells, while slowly turning into gibberish, are all he needs to get his meaning across. He’s definitely our bossiest little baby, but thankfully his older sisters are there to meet his demands should he allow them the privilege. He is as boy as boys come, and is fascinated with balls, cars, sharp sticks, eating, throwing things, and death-defying climbing stunts. His poor face can’t catch a break with all of his dare-devilishness but that doesn’t slow him down a bit.
Eleanor, 6, is learning 2nd grade math right alongside Evelyn and is exceptionally good at it. She has become very proficient at doing her chores and is by far our loviest, snuggliest child. She thrives on affection and is so quick to give a hug or a kiss to any one of her family members out of the blue. She was built Ford tough and can sometimes be a little bulldozer in her attempts to snuggle, but she has such a tender little heart. If one of her siblings gets hurt she feels the pain herself. She’s definitely the girliest out of all the girls and also our best little dancer – Squish’s hips do not lie.
Crystel has continued with her DIY content creation business which has proved to be lucrative and allowed for an very comfortable life while Stuart finishes up residency, but she wishes more and more often that she could focus on her own little home life and not sharing every little thing with the world. However, she continues to have some pretty amazing experiences with sharing what a functional home life and a loving family looks like and feels that the Lord needs her to stay in the game for the time being.
We are thrilled to announce that BABY NUMBER 5 will be arriving in June, just a few weeks before we move. Mom is feeling better than she’s ever felt, basically pregnancy-symptom-free, which she feels certain is due to an intense 15-day liver cleanse she did earlier in the year. Stuart is a bit skeptical, but is happy that Mom can function normally nevertheless. Mom is secretly hoping it’s another boy that will indulge Malcom in wrestling, otherwise we will need a very tough girl.
In this third year of residency we have finally felt like we can see the light at the end of the tunnel on this now decade long medical journey we have embarked on. It’s an illusion, of course, because we still owe the Air Force at least 4 more years after, but at least Stuart will (hopefully) be working semi-normal hours and getting paid a semi-decent salary. He has already begun celebrating by giving himself permission to attend several college and professional football games, something which we have mostly had to forego these last 8 years.
We celebrated our 10 year anniversary this year and could not help but reflect on the beautiful, rich life we have been granted. We are especially grateful to our Savior Jesus Christ to whom we give complete credit for our abundance of blessings. How lucky we are to know and seek the source from which our joy comes, and despite our many imperfections, we are striving every day to help our children to come to know that same joy through Him and His gospel.
May you all have the most wonderful Christmas season and rejoice in the reason for it. We are so grateful for your wonderful friendship and influence you have had on our lives!
We love you!
The Montenegros
Throughout the year, Stuart and I keep track of all the funny things our kids say. Enjoy!
On December 31st, Lolly asked if we were going to have another Christmas. Mom said “next year we will!” She said “is next year tomorrow?” …well actually… yeah.
Dad to the table: Did you guys know Evelyn will be 8 this year? That means she will start fasting. Evelyn said “Ugh, I wish I was pregnant so I didn’t have to fast.”
Mom: So that’s why we read scriptures every day. Lolly said, “Mom I know karate and I can kick Satan in the face.” **reading these a couple months later she reassured us she still can.
Dad said “Lolly, you need to put a bag into the trash can.” Lolly responded without hesitation, “Yes boss.”
Playing Play Nine, a card game, where the goal is to get the lowest number. Evelyn is debating keeping the 7 in her hand or the face down card on her deck. Dad tries to explain that there’s better odds if she puts a seven back and flips over the face down card. She reluctantly does it, then flips the card over and it’s a 10. She immediately looks at dad and yells in exasperation, “THE ODDS?!”
The girls were asking Dad about all the various books he’s read. Lolly asked “Have you read about Book of Mormon stories that my teacher tells to me?” Dad said, “Yeah, they’re all about the Lamanites in ancient history.” The girls thought that was extremely hilarious. (It’s the lyrics to a church song they know.)
The girls are having a picnic in the backyard with Dude. Mom and Dad are away and we’re talking to them on the phone. They went inside and Dad said “Evelyn, you can’t leave Dude out there alone.” Evelyn responded, “Yes I can.” Dad said, “Evelyn, you are a muffin head” to which she responded, “Yeah, that’s my thing.”
Crystel, referring to creating a course for her audience said, “People would pay money to know what’s in my head.” Dad responded, “Yeah, I know. So would I!”
Cousin Kayla was babysitting while Mom and Dad were on a cruise. They asked if they could call Mom and Dad, but Kayla told them she didn’t want to disturb them and to wait until they called. They dramatically told Kayla that they can’t believe she’s “not allowing us to talk to our own family.”
Mom giving a spiritual thought during family night said, “How do we chase away the Holy Ghost?” Lollipop said, “We run after it!”
Dad: So after Jesus got there what did he tell them about? Lollipop said, “He told them about His day!
Mom was working with Squish on her math and asked, “What’s the next number after 679? Squish said, “Well, it depends…”
Mom was helping Lolly with her school and said, “My favorite things from nature are trees and flowers, what are yours?” And Lolly said, “birthday cake, candles and puppies!”
Dad: I need you to go outside for 10 minutes while I finish making dinner. Evelyn said, “Okay, we’ll count to ten 10 times. Dad: “That’s not ten minutes.” Evelyn: “Well, it’s still a lot!”
Lolly: Dad, maybe someone at your hospital has rabies! Squish asked, “What’s rabies?” Dad said: “It’s a germ that gets in your head and makes you crazy.” Evelyn said, “I know who has rabies!” Squish and Lolly said, “Who?!” Evelyn, with a sneaky grin on her face said, “You guys.”
Lolly was sleeping, rolled over and said, “People do crazy things… when they’re married.”
Mom was digging up the grass to build a paver sidewalk and the girls were looking for grubs to give to the chickens. When one was found, Lolly recoiled with disgust and Squish said, “Lolly you’re a scaredy-cat!” And Lolly said, “I’m not scared of cats! I’m scared of grubs!”
Evelyn: “Dad I hope you at least live until you’re 40.”
The girls were helping mom clean off some bricks so she could use them for a project. Lolly said “I was diagnosed with cancer. You guys were diagnosed with being silly.”
Turning onto the church road Squish said, “Dad, I know this street like the back of my hand.” Lolly said, “I don’t know this street like the back of my head!”
Mom was in the bathroom minding her own business and Lolly marched all the way up the stairs and came into the bathroom just to say “Mom, you buy too many packages.” and then headed back downstairs.
Squish asked Dad a question about one of the episodes of “The Chosen” we had just watched, to which he replied that he did not know. She said, “But I thought you read the books?”
Dad was putting the girls to bed after a suspenseful ending to the Chosen episode and reading a few pages of Harry Potter. Evelyn said “Dad, you can’t stop now! I need to fill my appetites!”
Lolly was going potty and singing “ohhh bubbles, I love you bubbles” and then added, “oh, you sing so well, babe.”
Dad, talking to Lolly with blueberry juices all over her face said, “Lolly, you definitely need a shower.” Lolly responded, “Meh, probably not.”
Malcom was being very grumpy sitting on mom’s lap and Charlotte, after having had enough of his tantrum said exasperatedly, “Alright, Dude’s on Satan’s team!”
Lolly said, “Dad, no one has the remote to control me. Only Jesus does!”
Lolly said, “Dad can you bring us back some treats?” Dad responded, “Mom doesn’t want me to anymore cause it’s unhealthy. Only sometimes.” Lolly said, “Well Dad, tomorrow is a sometimes!”
Lolly said, “Dad, if I wasn’t afraid of a bear I could just go right up next to it and kick it in the face”
At the Mount Rushmore monument Lolly said, “Dad, I love George Washington.” Dad said, “he’s a pretty good guy!” Lolly said, “So why did he have to die?”
Dad asked the girls whose faces they thought were on Mount Rushmore and they said, “George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Oliver Cowdery”
Playing house in the forest near Mount Rushmore and Evelyn said, “I’m the daughter, you’re the mom, who can Mom and Dad be?” Lolly said, “They’re the wild parents we found in the woods!”
Lolly, when driving from Mount Rushmore: “How much minutes until we get to Cody, Wyoming? Dad: A lot! Lolly: Have you ever been to Cody, Wyoming? Dad: No I haven’t. Lolly: Then you don’t know! And then she said quietly: I think it’s one minute.
Lolly in her prayer: “Thank you for making us even though we have a really hard dog to deal with”
Mom took Lolly into a public bathroom that was completely full of people waiting in line. Mom let her go first, and then mom took her turn and she said very loudly for all to hear, “Mom! Your bum is bigger than the toilet!”
Mom and Dad were standing in the kitchen and Lolly said, “One of you are the best parents I ever had.” Then walked away.
We were driving in the car and Lolly was eating a muffin. Dad said, “Lolly, try to make as little of crumbs as possible.” Lolly said earnestly, “Why? Dad said, “Just please try”. When we got to our destination and she was absolutely covered in crumbs, Dad said, “Lolly, I asked you not to make any crumbs, what a mess!” Lolly said, “But dad, you told me to make little, tiny crumbs!”
Lolly: Dad, I’ve been 4 for like, 14 years.
A guest who was staying with us said that as they were walking past the bathroom they heard one of the girls in there saying in a strained voice: “I can see the FUTUUUUURE!”
The older girls were quizzing Lolly on all the sounds the letters make. Lolly, who was getting tired of it said, “I don’t have time for all this A-B-C-D-E stuff.”
Lolly: “Mom, why do they call them snowflakes? Mom: “Well, because they’re flakes made of snow.” Lolly: “Uhh.. that doesn’t explain anything.”
There’s a song in the Lord of the Rings soundtrack called Flaming Red Hair where all the Hobbits are dancing at Bilbo’s birthday party. Lolly said “Can you turn on Flaming red hair? It’s a great song to pass the time.”
Evelyn: “Ugh, what is that smell?! Dad probably came home and snuck a bathroom break.”
Dad was telling Evelyn and Lolly about the veil of forgetfulness and said, “and sometimes the spirit will help you remember things from before.” Evelyn, excitedly said, “Oh really? Like what?” Dad responded, “Like about your testimony. “ Evelyn said, “Oh dang, that’s boring.”
Mom: “Are you sure, Lolly?” Lolly said, “I’m super sure.” Mom said, “Are you sure you’re sure?” Lolly said, “I’m supercalifragilisticexpialodocious sure. That’s what you say when there’s nothing else to say.”
Lolly: “Dad, yes your belly is big but it’s not fat and chubby.”
Setting up Christmas and Lolly finds a Santa headband, puts it on and says to her sisters, “Let’s get this tree set up, Ho Ho HOES!”