If you caught my last newsletter, you would have read about how my niece, Kayla, would come and live with us. Also, if you’ve been following my stories, you know my other niece, Abby, has been battling colon cancer. We recently learned the chemo is no longer working, and she’s not a candidate for other surgeries. She has been doing some clinical trials and alternative medicine therapies to try and combat it on her own. She needs someone at home with her to cook and help her follow a very strict diet. Since Kayla had just finished a job in Florida, she was going to work and live with me, but it seemed like the timing was right for Kayla to go and help Abby instead. Abby is very weak and can’t take care of herself and her family without the help of a full-time caregiver, and Kayla will be filling that role. We hope Kayla can come and spend time here once Abby improves. So, I’m putting my plans to start the GAPS diet on hold. I don’t have it in me to do the type of strict meal prepping it requires. We are fine sticking to a largely gluten-free diet, not necessarily because of allergies but because we eat fewer processed foods that way. I’m not even making bread. I’ve had to adjust many of my plans and figure out how to get everything I’d like done. But we’re so happy Kayla can help Abby; the timing has worked perfectly.
If you’d like to donate to Abby’s Go Fund Me, click on this link.
I am excited for the coming seasons; fall is my favorite time of year. I’m planning how to make the most of this season with my home decor since this is the first year it’s finished enough to decorate. Check out my front porch makeover for decorating inspiration.
Malcom is getting up on his hands and knees and should be crawling within the next month or two. We switched out his bed from a pack-and-play we were given when Evelyn was born, and let’s say it’s been well used. The bottom was starting to buckle, and he hasn’t been sleeping well. He’s sleeping much better in his new crib, go figure.